Picture and Video Gallery
A picture is worth a thousand words
A video is a book
Both expose truth beyond what words can describe
The below pictures and video are available for public use.
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for use in environmental work and reporting
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An animals' life
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Animal Factory Pollution
Cesspools of Shame
AKA Lagoons
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Spraying Problems
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Hog factory videos
Fish Kills-Alga Blooms
Fertilized Rivers
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The Storage, Application
and Discharge of
Poultry Waste
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The two separate facilities set forth in the two pictures below are under construction in eastern NC . Together, they will soon be online producing an estimated 20,000,000 chickens per year. In the first picture, note the community located on the other side of the trees. State waters are located in the woods.

The Neuse River
Air Force
The Neuse River Air Force was established by the Neuse River Foundation in 1993. It was a pioneer in environmental air surveillance. At first, it relied on volunteer pilots flying their own airplanes and paying for their own fuel. Flights were used extensively by the Neuse Riverkeeper to conduct surveillance of animal factories (CAFOs) and other sources of pollution in the Neuse River watershed. Between 1993 and 2000 an average of 15 pilots were on hand to conduct these flights. The first of these was a noted author, Phil Bowie, of New Bern, and a highly respected attorney, Bob Epting, of Chapel Hill. Others who volunteered extensively included Ron Smith, a retired US Marine aviator, Joe Corby, a retired New Bern resident, and Dennis Howard, a local businessman. Today, these flights are being conducted by most of the North Carolina Waterkeeper programs. As "frequent flyers" they patrol and document the animal industry's pollution activities on a weekly basis.
Since its inception, an estimated 5,000 flight hours have been logged. Many thousands of photos/videos have been taken.
The Neuse River Air Force's success in finding, documenting and eliminating sources of pollution has set the example for Waterkeeper programs in NC, across the US and in many foreign places.
A poem by
Bob Epting
Founding member of Neuse River Air Force, 1993 to present
To read click on first verse and then each subsequent verse using the next arrow on the right side of the screen